Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Third Day of Class

The third week we learned all about I movie and how to incorporate it into the classroom. The professor showed us different videos of students using it in class, and how to use it. We had to get into groups and create a 30 second commercial promoting a particular thing or subject.  In our group we decided our topic is going to be the Top 7 Reasons to Adopt A Black Cat. We first research reasons to adopt a black cat and then decided on 7. Then we found 7 photos to go along with the reasons on the Internet. We decided that we were going to have one member of our group read the reasons in front of a green screen and put the photos behind it. We didn't finish it in class instead we got our photos, the reasons read and then some basic editing done. We plan on finishing it next class.

Second Day

The second day of class I worked on my photoshop project. I learned a lot about how photoshop worked and what I can do within the program. It was hard because I never used it before and didnt know what everything even did. If I used this in my classroom It would have to be with older students or way more basic. Overall, I think photoshop could be very useful if you learn more about the functions.